Friday, March 6, 2015

For your ears only...

- I've uploaded the above track ('All Sigs' -  Beats Instrumental) to sound cloud.
It is a work in progress, the idea was this:
I wanted to see what it would sound like If I based a beat on a combination of time signatures...
I got a bit carried away in production and ended up with this.  -  each rhythm part is (mostly) running at its own time signature. 11/8 is the dominant one though.

The track as a whole might sound a bit erratic at first, but after a few listens you'll see/hear whats going on....
the hats are derived from a 5/2 pattern...
The kick is derived from a 7/8 pattern
The rides are combinations of 7/3, 5 and 7/5
Percussion segments (like shakes etc, ticks) are derived from larger numbers like 7,,11,13...18
Snares start off in a regular signature and then become poly rhythmic

As for the breaks?  Lots of little things going on there...
Some of the samples are detuning independently of each other. (cant explain why I wanted to do that, or how)
The break sounds are following different time signatures at times, but after a while it gives the illusion of a set time signature.

There was a second synth bass pattern in there but all that remains of it are two notes repeated twice at the very end and the end of the previous section (4bars back).  ...Originally I had thought about having a 303 style bass running throughout the track and had built a sh101-style patch to suit but it didnt quite fit
...that bass turned in to a bland sawtooth style thing and was eventually stripped back to the two notes heard.  The other bass that remains was a sound I was playing around with when the 303-sound idea went titz up :D    -  seems to work well enough for now though.

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