About this blog :

General :
There are a few reasons why I have decided to start this blog and they are probably already clear so I wont waste time listing them instead I'll talk about something else...

Blogger/Blogspot already seems to have quite a large community of readers and I have been using it myself for the past year elsewhere for blogging  ...but not really anything music related.
- I also have a some other audio related ideas that I will incorporate in to this blog at a later point.

...With this blog I can unleash the geek in me in a way I can't when writing as elsewhere and focus on the details that send the average reader in to mind numbing comas.

Commenting :
Using blogger also has another advantage to me besides the fact that I'm comfortable using it..
It allows me to receive feedback/suggestions without requiring the reader to be signed up to blogger already or having to sign up in order to leave a comment.
I will reply to all comments and address and questions etc.

I pretty much in tend to use this blog for things like reviews, the occasional project progress blog, and anything audio related.  I'm not sure how often I update/post.   But I will continue to update.

Please remember that everything posted here is written by myself and is my opinion, I may also upload images, sounds and video that either I own the copyright to.

Its hard to write about something without it turning in to some kind of a review, however these are not critical reviews unless stated ..what is good for one person might not be good for another, if your looking for an opinion on ie. a sampler drop me a comment and I'll give whatever advise I can.

Production Techniques :
This blog will feature A LOT of talk about production techniques and recording methods ...However I will not be revealing how I personally achieve any particular sound on a particular track. - But I will eventually cover ALL tricks of the trade,

Blog Design :
Sorry if the lack of sound, and animated images etc, makes this blog look excessively minimal...
It is to make it easier for reading mobile readers (quicker page loads..
That and the fact it is only a blog so no need to go overboard with the design ^_^.
Where possible I will provide links...

Additional Materials :
There are a number of projects I have been working on in the past year and will be incorporating in to this blog ...namely sample packs, synthesis guides and a production guide. 
- these are still to come.
I will set up a dedicated page for these within this blog when I have everything sorted out for them.
The production guide will be available in either PDF. or organised as blog posts for quick online reference/browsing.

Buy Link
I have included a buy link to some of my recordings.  This is not for the sample packs or other audio (all of which is free), it just seemed obvious that I should include a buy link to some of my recordings.  ...If you wish to buy one of my track then please do, otherwise forget the link and enjoy the blog, tutorials and free sounds!  ^_^

About Me

I might do an about me section, but I assume the majority of readers will already know having been directed here from the Youtube channel or somewhere else on the Internet.
If I find out otherwise I'll add an About Beat Scientist page, but until then if you do need a bio see the Face Book page link.

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Please don't use the comment to spam with buy links as these get removed... All other links are okay.